San Marcos Educators Association Scholarships
The SMEA John Morello Memorial Scholarship is available to those students planning to continue their education beyond high school. The following criteria must be met to apply.
Requirements for applying:
Applicant must be a graduating senior and attend San Marcos Unified School District High Schools.
One letter of recommendation is required it must be attached electronically
accompanying your application (no letters from family members or relatives will be accepted);
1) One reference from a faculty member OR
2) One reference on your personal character (i.e. employer, community member, etc.)
Unofficial transcript in order to verify GPA
How to apply:
Applications are available through your school's Future Center, or print it from here and complete it.
Scholarships will be based on financial need, academics, community service, extracurricular activities, and letter of recommendation.
The recipient of the scholarship will receive the awards once they show proof of enrollment in respective college.
Due date:
Please return completed application via email to jay.mesker@smusd.org or to your Future Center via email by May 1st, 2024.
Contact Information:
Jay Mesker