SMEA Member Dues
When you join SMEA you are also joining CTA and NEA. Your dues cover a multitude of things, many of these benefits are listed below. Each month SMUSD withdraws your SMEA, CTA and NEA dues. Our current monthly dues for SMEA, CTA, & NEA are approximately $128.90.
The percentage of SMEA dues you pay is based on the percentage of time you work. If you are a full-time employee, you pay 100% of your dues. If you are a job share or work a smaller percentage, your dues are taken out according to your work schedule.
CTA and NEA dues are taken out differently then SMEA.
Category 1 is 61-100%.
Category 2B is 51-60%.
Category 2A is 34-50%
Category 3B is 26-33%
Category 3A is 25% or less.
Employees going on a Leave of Absence are encouraged to contact the CTA office to figure out how your dues can be deducted at a smaller amount so as not to cancel the benefits you receive due to being a CTA member. If dues are not being deducted from your paycheck, your subscriptions to some of your benefits can be canceled.