Non-Members Receive:
-Salary, benefits, and working conditions as stipulated by the collectively bargained agreement/contract between the district and the local association
-Representation ONLY on matters pertaining to your collectively bargained agreement.
-No voting rights.
Members Receive:
-Salary, benefits, and working conditions as stipulated by the collectively bargained agreement “contract” between the district and the local association
-Voting privileges on contract ratification of the collectively bargained agreement between the district and the local association
-Representation on matters pertaining to your collectively bargained agreement
-Joining an organization that advocates for students, staff, and public education
-Supporting CTAs legislative and public relations efforts for great public schools
-Voting privileges on (leadership officers, policies, positions on issues, etc.) at the state, local, and national level
-Leadership Development Training Opportunities sponsored by CTA at the local and regional levels
-Access to CTA and NEA conferences, including Presidents Conference, GLBT Conference, Issues Conference, Good Teaching Conference, Summer Leadership Conference, Higher Education Conference, and ESP Conference, etc.
-$1 million dollar employment liability insurance coverage
Legal Coverage Includes:
Teacher tenure, wage & hour, and California Commission on Teacher Credentialing Cases
Certification and classification issues
Discrimination under federal/state laws based on race, gender, age, and sexual orientation, etc.
Discrimination based on union activity
Retirement and Unemployment cases
Legal and Professional Advice on employment-related statutory rights
Free ½ hour session with an attorney regarding non-work related issues (trust, will, divorce, adoption, etc.)
Professional Editorial Subscriptions to CTA Educator & NEA Today
Additional legal coverages for:
Permanent Teacher For-Cause Dismissal/Suspension - Commission on Professional Competence Hearing: Maximum of $20,000. Appeal to superior court if CPC decides that the member shall not be dismissed: Maximum of $7,000.
RIF Dismissals (Layoff) - CTA will pay first $5,000 for members facing layoffs within a chapter, CTA and Chapter will each pay 50% of amount over $5,000.
Credential Review - Informal Review: Maximum of $4,000.
Employment-Related Criminal Matters - Maximum of $5,000 for eligible cases.
STRS Disability Appeal - Maximum of $5,000.
CTA Death & Dismemberment Coverage Includes:
Coverage that is an automatic benefit available to eligible CTA members at no additional cost. If an eligible CTA member dies or suffers a dismemberment (i.e., suffers a loss of limb or other qualifying injury), her/his beneficiary(ies) will receive a lump-sum cash payment.
This coverage includes:
Provided by the CTA Economic Benefits Trust
A Death Benefit of up to $2,000
An Accidental Death and Accidental Dismemberment Benefit of up to $10,000
A $50,000 Benefit if the member dies or suffers a dismemberment due to an accident or assault while engaged in any activity which was in the expressed or implied terms of his or her occupation, or while acting in the capacity of an Association Leader
Coverage is issued by The Prudential Insurance Company of America (Prudential) to help give your family the insurance protection and added peace of mind they deserve. The NEA Members Insurance Trust® offers Complimentary Life Insurance at no extra cost to Active, Staff, Reserve and Life members.
This complimentary coverage includes:
Up to $1,000 of term life insurance
Up to $5,000 of accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D) coverage
$50,000 of AD&D insurance for any covered accident that occurs on the job or while serving as an Association Leader
$150,000 of life insurance for unlawful homicide while on the job.
NEA Insurance Includes:
Standard Grant CTA members may receive up to $1,500 for significant economic hardship related to damage to their primary residence, displacement or disruption in required utilities
Catastrophic Damage Grant Recipients of the Standard Grant may be eligible for up to another $1,500 if damages exceed $50,000
Temporary Displacement Grant A grant of up to $500 may be available for members who are displaced from their primary residence as the result of a disaster but do not meet the requirements for a Standard Grant
School Site Grant Members may receive up to $500 for damage to their classroom
Free long-term care needs assessment
Available to members, their spouses, parents, and children. Covers staying in your own home or a nursing home
Auto and Home Insurance
Voluntary life and disability insurance
Travel, restaurant, and purchasing discounts
Investment and financial services such as credit cards, credit unions, savings accounts, etc.