Welcome from your President,
The primary purpose of San Marcos Educators Association(SMEA) is to represent our members in employer-employee relations including the areas of wages, benefits, hours, and other contractual areas.
Our Executive Board is an elected and appointed twelve-member body which coordinates the activities of the association including bargaining and grievance processing. Our Rep Council is the policy-making body of SMEA with elected representatives acting as delegates from all school sites.
We have several sub-committees which provide an opportunity for the continuous support and connection with the District including Insurance, Bargaining, Organizing, Grievance, and Special Education.
SMEA promotes professionalism, strength through unity and ethical conduct amongst our membership. We seek to be an ongoing participant in the San Marcos Unified District while building positive relationships with other stakeholder groups.
We are a member-driven association so your feedback is critical. Please use the links to contact the appropriate person via SMEA e-mail whether it be a Site Representative, or Executive Board Member.
Dale Pluciennik, President
San Marcos Educators Association